New Games!

New for 2021!

Vectorblade for Vectrex  New for the Vectrex is
 Vectorblade, created
 by Malban in 2020.
 This Packrat release
 includes a full version
 of the game, with
 box, overlay, and
 This will be limited to
 around 250 copies,
before it is sold in unlimited format
using Packrat standard plastic boxes.

Available starting January 31, 2021.

Orders Lost late 2022 / early 2023

The online order form used a free script that as of late 2022 went 'pay only'. This was not communicated to Packrat, thus any orders from this time period have been lost. Packrat has switched to a new Form provider, which is now working.

If you placed an order with Packrat during November 2022 to mid-February 2023, please check the order list. If you are not on that list, please re-order. Packrat is sorry for the inconvenience.

On There Way! - New Games!

RAM Pong will be published in late 2024, for the 2600, along with I Ran, and possibly Larry the Lemon.

Something special for the Vectrex is coming early 2025, along with a few other items.

Incoming for the Odyssey2 is finally going to be published, 2024 / early 2025.

Packrat is always looking for new games to release (contact us if you have one)!

Welcome to Packrat Video Games, LLC

Packrat Video Games, LLC is a proud producer of quality Atari 2600, Odyssey2 and Vectrex homebrew games. Packrat also specializes in new classic video game merchandise, and is always looking for new projects! Packrat appreciates your patronage!

Current Orders / Projects Status!

Work progresses on the order backlog. I am behind by many months, due to various reasons I will not describe here. Orders for now are moving slowly, and will pick up over time.

For those looking for the O2 Multi-carts, there is a large backlog on that item.

If you are waiting on an order please check out the following link.

Order / Project Update

This link also lists the status of current projects.

Thank you for your understanding and patience!

Partnership with Good Deal Games

Packrat is partnering with Good Deal Games, in regards to the distribution of Atari 2600 and Odyssey2 homebrew games.

Packrat will still work with programmers, and be the Publisher for their games, but Good Deal Games will be the Distributer for these games. - Packrat will create and manufactor games for the 2600 and Odyssey2. - Good Deal Games will distrubute / sell Packrat games for the 2600 and Odyssey2, via the Website.

It will take time to get the entire list of Packrat games for sale at GDG.