Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring for the Atari 2600

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Author: Adam Thornton
Number of Players: 1
Cartridge Size: 4K
Release Year: 2002
TV Format: NTSC
Controller: Joystick

- Published by Packrat
- Distributed by Good Deal Games
(buy via GDG link)

"The Lord of the Rings? But it can't be!" you think to yourself. While not the Parker Bros. version, this wonderful text adventure by Adam Thornton takes you twice as far into the story with half the memory. In this game, you play the role of Frodo Baggins, hobbit and inadvertent Ringbearer. Your mission is explained in the introductory screens of the game: you must take the Ring to the Inn of the Prancing Pony in Bree, where you will meet the wizard Gandalf and deliver the Ring into his care. Filled with humor, the manual alone will have you rolling on the floor. Of important note is that this game is based off of the source code of Greg Troutman's Dark Mage. So don't delay, snatch this one up right away! (For those that really need here, there is a walkthrough).

Comes with cartridge and full-color manual.

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